How to Participate


  • ​MARCH 1ST TO MAY 19TH: Applications
  • MAY 22ND TO JUNE 9TH: Analysis by the jury
  • JUNE 12TH-19TH: Organization of the jury reports
  • JUNE 20TH: Winners Announcement
  • JULY- SEPTEMBER: International dissemination of the winner videos


Masters and PhD students of any nationality enrolled in a higher education institution in Africa, Caribbean or Latin America at the time of registration. Students who have obtained their MSc or PhD degrees during the 12 months preceding the time of registration will also be accepted.

Candidates of any scientific area will be accepted, provided they present their work in one of the following languages: English, French, Portuguese or Spanish.

The candidates must keep in mind that the presentations aim to reach lay audiences, wide-ranging and international, from different cultures and social classes, with an emphasis on those belonging to vulnerable groups of both continents (such as: rural communities and ethnic minorities in Africa, Caribbean and Latin America).

Submissions and presentations are on an individual basis. If you are a member of a project team or group, please choose a representative to apply for Imagine-Pangea and present the group’s work. The award will be conferred to the presenter. You can include the names of other members of the group, as recognition, at the end of the presentation. However, it is important that you highlight your individual contribution to the project.


The research work developed by the candidate during her/his Master’s or Doctorate course should be presented in a video of a maximum of 3 minutes, and using as resource a single static slide (not animated). In the video the candidate and the slide image should appear simultaneously or alternately.

The video must be posted on YouTube in the category “Not listed”. Fill in the registration form available below and insert the link to your video, as well as the content of your speech in text form.

By submitting your registration form you agree to the Terms and Conditions of the competition.

Updated information and news will always be posted on the website and on the Imagine Facebook page. Stay tuned!


  1. Talent for oratory.

1.1 The candidate demonstrated oratorical qualities: clear voice, gestural fluidity, presence of scene?

1.2 Demonstrated enthusiasm and empathy, making use of her/his experiences, successes, failures and / or sense of humor?

1.3 The presentation arouses the audience’s curiosity?

1.4 The speaker refers the issue to a real and meaningful context of the public’s point of view?

  1. Theme exhibition.

2.1 The candidate uses an accessible language?

2.2 The metaphors and examples used by the candidate are relevant?

2.3 The slide brings extra value to the theme exhibition?

  1. Presentation structure

3.1 The presentation of the object of the thesis or dissertation is clear?

3.2 The chaining ideas help to get a better understanding of the topic?

3.3 The different stages of the presentation are balanced (introduction, development, and conclusion)?


  1. All Imagine-Pangea partners have access to all the registration information of each candidate. All participants’ application materials will be electronically stored for up to six months after the date of publication of the results, except for email addresses, photos and videos that can be maintained indefinitely. Personal information will not be disclosed to unauthorized parties.
  2. The presentation should not contain indecent or illegal content.
  3. The candidates guarantee the scientific validity of the content of their presentations. In the case of this being challenged, by other credible sources, the Imagine-Pangea reserves the right to disqualify candidates from the contest.
  4. The choice of Imagine-Pangea winners is the prerogative of the international jury members. The jury will make its decisions according to its own deliberations and considerations, and based on the rating criteria as outlined above; all decisions are final and without appeal.
  5. Imagine-Pangea is not responsible for any third party plagiarism.
  6. By applying, candidates agree to the use and publication of any photo or video. The candidates also consent to receiving emails related to the Imagine Project events, with the option to unsubscribe.
  7. The candidate will be responsible for obtaining the permission of his/her academic advisor and / or person responsible for supervising and / or funding the research work.
